Es la forma de impresión más avanzada en cuanto a color, definición, y durabilidad. Consiste en un sistema de inyección de tinta de 10 colores en base a pigmentos naturales aplicados sobre papeles de algodón de textura mate. Garantiza una conservación del color, mayor a cien años en condiciones normales de exposición.

Born in Uruguay, Eliseo Miciu grew up in the hills of Cordoba between the paint brushes of his grandfather, Konstantino, and the palette knives of his father, Georg.
With his first camera, a gift from his grandfather on his thirteenth birthday, he began taking photographs. In 1993 he settled in San Martin de los Andes with his parents and his eight siblings. Seduced by the colors and landscapes of Patagonia, he dedicated himself to the photographic method for conveying life.
Though mostly self taught, Eliseo Miciu has taken courses in various technical aspects of photography. His principal schooling was traveling and learning in museums and galleries of Europe and the United States, then applying this knowledge around the world.
He worked as a photographer for magazines and national and international newspapers. He created numerous publicity and sports productions for businesses such as Movistar, Aerolineas Argentinas, Quilmes, Turismo Salta, Turismo Mexico, Ecomotion Brasil, and GMP Mexico.